Photoshop ps touch for Android:
PS touch is a wonderful image editing application and it's the best alternative to the Adobe Photoshop program on the computer Windows and Mac, it is a wonderful application goes without definition is the best application for editing and editing images on Android, we offer you here the paid version without ads and it's works on all android devices.

This application was one of the best image editing if not the best one, Adobe removed it and replaced it with Photoshop Express , today the application is available in many external sites in the form of an apk file than can be installed on android, but after updating the Android Pie It stopped working, though one developer tweaked it and made it work on the latest version of Android.
File Informations:
- Name: PS TOUCH
- Company: Adobe
- Size: 22.99MB
- Works on: All Android devices (including Android P).
- The latest version
Download ps touch apk for Android
You can download the Photoshop app for Android free of charge in the form of an apk file and then install directly on any Android phone from the following link. If you can not install the application on your phone, make sure to activate the "Unknown sources" option of the security settings on your phone: