Xiaomi mi 5c price specs and release date

Xiaomi mi 5c price specs and release date, Xiaomi has unveiled its Mi5C, a cheaper version of the Xiaomi Mi5. It's the first phone to include the company's own chipset, and it goes on sale in China on 3 March
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Xiaomi has unveiled its Mi5C, a cheaper version of the Xiaomi Mi5. It's the first phone to include the company's own chipset, and it goes on sale in China on 3 March. Here's everything you need to know about the Xiaomi Mi5C, price, specs and release date.

Xiaomi mi 5c price specs and release date

Xiaomi Mi 5C specs:

  • 5.15-inch, 2,560x1,600-resolution display
  • 5.6x2.7x0.27 inches (144.4x70.7x7.1mm)
  • 2.2GHz octa-core Surge S1 processor
  • 12 megapixel rear camera, 8 megapixel front-facing camera
  • 3GB RAM
  • 64GB of internal memory
  • 2,860mAh non-removable battery
  • Android 7.1 Nougat
  • Rose Gold, Black, Gold variations
Xiaomi mi 5c price specs and release date

Xiaomi Mi 5C Price:

Xiaomi Mi 5C clearly wins on price, It'll cost 1,500 yuan, which converts to around $220, AU$280 and £175, when it launches on March 3 in China. That's a good bit lower than the 2,700 yuan ($400, AU$500, £315) the Mi 5 cost last year.

As with previous phones from the innovative Chinese electronics company, it'll run MIUI, a customised version of Android. It's based on Android 7.1 Nougat, first introduced last October with Google's own Pixel phones.

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