Today, Telegram officially launched the voice calls that the company described as safe and crystal clear and constantly improved by artificial intelligence (according to the company), launched the feature for all Android devices
Officially: Voice calls feature with emoji keys on Telegram App
How to Activate call feature on Telegram application, Officially: Voice calls feature with emoji keys on Telegram App new version V3.18
Voice Call On Telegram App, the title of many previous reports about the arrival of this feature was very soon, and the CEO of the company confirmed that they are working to provide this feature later, we talked about this in a previous article.
Today, Telegram officially launched the voice calls that the company described as safe and crystal clear and constantly improved by artificial intelligence (according to the company), launched the feature for all Android devices
Telegram Messenger
Today, Telegram officially launched the voice calls that the company described as safe and crystal clear and constantly improved by artificial intelligence (according to the company), launched the feature for all Android devices