Best live TV apps for android devices

Best live free TV apps for android devices phones and tablets best apps to watch live TV on Android for free, spa sybla tvlive megabit box
Android TV is Google’s response to the unanimous shout from consumers that Google TV wasn’t good enough. It’s much more powerful than Google TV ever was and that means that Android TV apps are also probably going to be more powerful.

Best live TV apps for android devices

It’s as brand new platform so the selection isn’t overwhelming yet but we assume that, much like the Chromecast, there will be more options as time goes. It’s also true that many of these will come pre-installed on Android TV devices so it’ll make finding them way more easy for you. Here are the 11 best Android TV apps.

Crackle TV:

Never heard of Crackle? Think of the Sony-owned online TV app as a pint-sized version of Netflix, complete with its own original shows, including the Jerry Seinfeld-produced Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and Sequestered, a new 12-episode legal drama.


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Sybla TV:

The greatest mobile TV app ever. Sybla TV brings you the best Arabic and international TV channels on your android device and WITHOUT Adobe Flash Player.
Download link: Sybla TV

Discovery Go:

Discovery has its own plain-but-serviceable mobile app, and no, you don’t need a pay-TV subscription to watch everything on tap—or what little there is, anyway.

Fox Now:

The Fox Now app makes a good first impression with its splashy, Pinterest-style feed of shows, including Bones, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Glee, Hell's Kitchen, The Mindy Project, New Girl, and Sleepy Hollow. Unfortunately, Fox is a bit stingier with its full streaming episodes than some of its broadcast-TV competition.

Tubi TV:

This movie app is similar to the desktop website but, some of the optimizations have been done for its mobile version which makes it very easy to work. You could access movies of all genres. Tubi TV provides a large movie cover which is enough for the user without any need of tapping them to watch. Whenever a movie is chosen, it provides you complete description showing you the release date, duration, rating and genre.

Newest Movies HD:

This is a wonderful movie app which provides a variety of features. You could view movies and cartoons. It has a very large collection of movies and cartoons. User interface provided by this app is also very easy to work.


Despite having a smaller music library than most of its competitors, people still love Pandora and it’s still a pretty decent application. It will have Android TV support so you can sign in and listen to all of your stations on there. Much like iHeartRadio above, Pandora really helps strengthen and improve the audio experience on Android TV and since a lot of people already use it, it won’t be that difficult to get it set up on your television.

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